和田 清俊

e-メイル:  ktw@bio.sc.niigata-u.ac.jp
電話・ファックス: 025-262-6369

主な出版物 (竹能清俊というペン・ネームを使っています)

・ Hasegawa, H., M. Yamada, Y. Iwase, K.C. Wada and K. Takeno. 2010. Reduction of critical dark length for flower induction during aging in the short-day plant Pharbitis nil var. Kidachi. Sex. Plant Reprod.10.1007/s00497-010-0139-7.
・ Kondo, H., T. Shiraya, K.C. Wada and K. Takeno. 2010. Induction of flowering by DNA demethylation in Perilla frutescens and Silene armeria: heritability of 5-azacytidine-induced effects and alteration of the DNA methylation state by photoperiodic conditions. Plant Sci. 178:321-326.
・ Iwase, Y., T. Shiraya and K. Takeno. 2010. Flowering and dwarfism induced by DNA demethylation in Pharbitis nil. Physiol. Plant. 139: 118?127.
・ Wada, K.C., H. Kondo and K. Takeno. 2010. Obligatory short-day plant, Perilla frutescens var. crispa can flower in response to low-intensity light stress under long-day conditions. Physiol. Plant. 138: 339-345.
・ Wada, K.C., M. Yamada, T. Shiraya and K. Takeno. 2010. Salicylic acid and the flowering gene FLOWERING LOCUS T homolog are involved in poor-nutrition stress-induced flowering of Pharbitis nil. J. Plant Physiol. 167: 447-452.
・ Kondo, H., T.Miura, K.C.Wada, and K.Takeno. 2007. Induction of flowering by 5-azacytidine in some plant species: Relationship between the stability of photo- periodically induced flowering and flower-inducing effect of DNA demethylation. Physiol. Plant. 131:462-469.
・ Maeda, T., H.Mori, K.Shiratake, K.Yamada, K.Takeno and S.Yamaki. 2006. cDNA macroarray analysis of genes expressed in plumules of Pharbitis nil after induction of flowering. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 81:496-500.
・ Kondo, H., H.Ozaki, K.Ito, A.Kato and K.Takeno. 2006. Flowering induced by 5-azacytidine, a DNA demethylating reagent in a short-day plant, Perila frutescens var. crispa. Physiol. Plant. 127:130-137.
・ Hatayama,T. and K.Takeno. 2003. The metabolic pathway of salicylic acid rather than of chlorogenic acid is involved in stress-induced flowering of Pharbitis nil. J. Plant Physiol.160:461-467.
・ Maeda,T., T.Asami, S.Yoshida and K.Takeno 2000. The processes inhibited and promoted by abscisic acid in photoperiodic flowering of Pharbitis nil. J. Plant Physiol. 157:421-428.

・ Takeno, K. 2010. Epigenetic regulation of photoperiodic flowering. Plant Signal. Behav. in press.
・ Wada, K.C. and K.Takeno. 2010. Stress-induced flowering. Plant Signal. Behav. in press.
・ 近藤洋、竹能清俊 2008. 花成とエピジェネティクス。Plant Morphology 19: 15-27.
・ Takeno. K. 2006. Seventy years of the florigen concept: Recent progress in the study on flowering. Flowering Newslett. 41:48-51.
・ 竹能清俊 1999. 花成−フロリゲン説は今も生きているか?−。 植物の化学調節 34:138-147.
・ 竹能清俊 1999. 変化アサガオ−花形態形成の新しい研究材料−。 Plant Morphology 11: 24-31.
・ Takeno, K. 1999. Is the florigen concept still alive? Flowering Newslett. 22: 54-58.
・ Takeno, K. 1994. Perfusion technique, a new method to treat assay plants with test substances. Flowering Newslett. 17: 34-38.
・ 竹能清俊 1992. サツマイモによるアサガオ花成ホルモンの検出。 植物の化学調節 27: 74-79.

・ 竹能清俊 2008. 生殖。塩井祐三他編『ベーシックマスター植物生理学』。オーム社、東京。
・ 竹能清俊 2006. 生殖と花芽形成。小柴共一他編『植物ホルモンの分子細胞生物学』。講談社サイエンティフィク、東京。
・ 竹能清俊 1998. 花芽形成と光周性・温度周期性。網野真一他監『植物生理学』。 シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京、東京。
・ 竹能清俊 1997. シダ植物のフェロモン−造精器誘導物質の検定法。吉田茂男編『植物化学調節実験マニュアル』。植物化学調節学会、東京。
・ Takeno, K. 1991. Antheridiogen, Gibberellin, and the Control of Sex Differentiation in Gametophytes of the Fern Lygodium japonicum. Takahashi, N. et al. eds. Gibberellins, Springer-Verlag, New York.
・ 竹能清俊 1990. 花芽形成。柴岡弘郎編『現代植物生理学 第3巻 生長と分化』。朝倉書店、東京。
・ Furuya, M. and K. Takeno. 1983. Gibberellins in Algae and Higher Cryptogams.
・ Crozier, A. ed. The Biochemistry and Physiology of Gibberellins, vol. 2, Praeger Publishers, New York.