・Xing Yanjiang, Tian Yijun, Kurosawa Takamasa, Matsui Sayaka, Touma Maki, Wu Qiong, Sugimoto Kenkichi: Inhibition of blood vessel formation in tumors by IL-18-polarized M1 macrophages, Genes Cells, 21, 287-295, 2016.
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・Xing Yanjiang, Tian Yijun, Kurosawa Takamasa, Matsui Sayaka, Touma Maki, Wu Qiong, Sugimoto Kenkichi: CCL11-induced eosinophils inhibit the formation of blood vessels and cause tumor necrosis. Genes Cells, 21, 624-638, 2016.


・Wei Cui, Zhijun Huang, Hongjuan He, Ning Gu, Geng Qin, Jie Lv, Tao Zheng, Kenkichi Sugimoto, and Qiong Wu : MiR-1188 at the imprinted Dlk1-Dio3 domain acts as a tumor suppressor in hepatoma cells.Molecular Biology of the Cell, 26, 1416-1427, 2015
・Kenkichi Sugimoto : Establishment of a sticky, large, oval-shaped thrombocyte cell line from tree frog as an ancestor of mammalian megakaryocytes. SpringerPlus 2015, 4:447 doi:10.1186/s40064-015-1237-7


・Kenkichi Sugimoto, Suzuka Yoshida, Yuka Mashio, Naoka Toyota, Yanjiang Xing, Xu Henan, Yuuki Fujita, Zhijun Huang, Maki Touma,Qiong Wu : Role of FGF10 on tumorigenesis. Genes Cells, 19,112-125, 2014.
・Xu Henan, Naoka Toyota, Xing Yanjiang, Yuuki Fujita, Huang Zhijun, Maki Touma, Wu Qiong,Kenkichi Sugimoto: Enhancement of phagocytosis and cytotoxicity in macrophages by tumor-derived IL-18 stimulation. BMB Rep., 2014,47(5):286-291.


・Zhijun Huang, Zhengbin Han, Wei Cui, Fengwei Zhang, Hongjuan He, Tiebo Zeng, Kenkichi Sugimoto, Qiong Wu : Dynamic expression pattern of Pde4d and its relationship with CpG methylation in the promoter during mouse embryo development. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 441, 982-987, 2013


・Tiantian Gu, Hongjuan He, Zhengbin Han, Tiebo Zheng, Zhijun Huang, Qi Liu, Ning Gu, Yan Chen, Kenkichi Sugimoto, Huijie Jiang,Wu Qiong: Expression of macro non-coding RNAs Meg8 and Irm in mouse embryonic development. Acta Histochem., Jul;114(4):392- 399, 2012.


・Tiantian Gu, Hongjuan He, Yanjiang Xing, Qi Liu, Ning Gu, Kenkichi Sugimoto, Huijie Jiang, Qiong Wu : Expression of non-coding RNA AB063319 derived from Rian gene during mouse development., J Mol Histol., 42, 105-112, 2011.
・Xiu Ying Zhong, Asami Yoshioka, Yuka Mashio, Toru Ikeda, Huijie Jiang, Maki Touma, Qiong Wu, ChangLiu Wang, Kenkichi Sugimoto: Effect of vegf gene knockdown on growth of the murine sarcoma cell line MS-K., Genes Cells, 16, 625-638, 2011.