Physiology of Pharbitis nil
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Physiology of flowering in Pharbitis nil
  by Kiyotoshi Wada, Niigata University (2003)

Bibliography on flowering physiology of Pharbitis nil

  References on physiology of flowering in Pharbitis nil are listed here as many as possible. Many review articles on flowering have been published, and some of them focus on the flowering of P. nil. The most important two are "Physiology of Flowering in Pharbitis nil" edited by Shun-ichiro Imamura and published in 1967 from the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, and "Pharbitis nil" written by Daphne Vince-Prue and Jonathan Gressela as a chapter of "Handbook of Flowering, vol. IV" edited by Abraham H. Halevy and published in 1985 from CRC Press. In these two review articles, the knowledge on flowering physiology of P. nil in those days were reviewed in detail and many references are cited. Accordingly, here, the list of the references are classified into three periods, 1) before "Physiology of Flowering in Pharbitis nil" (1966), 2) between "Physiology of Flowering in Pharbitis nil" and "Pharbitis nil" (1967〜1984), and 3)after "Pharbitis nil" (1985).
  Taxonomically, it has not yet been concluded whether the Japanese morning glory should be included in the genus of Pharbitis and Ipomoea. Therefore, Pharbitis nil and Ipomoea nil have been used as the scientific name of Japanese morning glory. However, the majority of plant physiologists, especilly flowering physiologists, use the name Pharbitis nil and therefore almost all the papers listed here used Pharbitis nil .

1) before 1966
2) 1967〜1984
3) after 1985
Before 1966

Asanuma,Y. 1934. On the influence of daylength on growth and flowering of Pharbitis nil. Kyoto Imperial Univ., Hort. Reports 1:206-233. (in Japanese).

Bennett,R.D., S.-T.Ko and E.Heftmann. 1966. Effect of photoperiodic floral induction on the metabolism of a gibberellin precursor, (-)-kaurene, in Pharbitis nil. Plant Physiol. 41: 1360-1363.

Bonner,J., E.Heftmann and J.A.D.Zeevaart. 1963. Suppression of floral induction by inhibitors of steroid biosynthesis. Plant Physiol. 38:81-88.

Borthwick,H.A., S.Nakayama and S.B.Hendricks. 1961. Failure of reversibility of photoreaction controlling plant growth. in: Progress in Photobiology, Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp.394-398.

Butenko,R.G. and M.Kh.Chailakhyan. 1961. Effect of nucleic acid derivatives on growth and flowering of Ipomoea (Pharbitis nil Chois.). Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 141:1239-1242. (in Russia).

Eguchi,T. 1937. Effects of day-length upon the time of differentiation of flower bud and the subsequent development to flowring. Proc. Imperial Acad. 13:332-333.

El-Antably,H.M.M. and P.F.Wareing. 1966. Stimulation of flowering in certain short-day plants by abscisin. Nature 210:328-329.

Fredericq,H. 1964. Conditions determining effects of far-rad and red irradiations on flowering response of Pharbitis nil. Plant Physiol. 39:812-816.

Galun,E., J.Gressel and A.Keyman. 1964. Suppression of floral induction by actinomycin D an inhibitor of "messenger" RNA synthesis. Life Science 3:911-915.

Gifford,E.M.,Jr. 1963. Developmental studies of vegetative and floral meristems. Brookhaven Symp. Biol. 16:126-137.

Hamner,K.C. and A.Takimoto. 1964. Circadian rhythmus and plant photoperiodism. Amer. Naturalist 98:295-322.

Harada,H. 1962. Rev. Gen. Bot. 69: 201.

Healey,P.L. and W.A.Jensen. 1965. Changes in ultrastructure and histochemistry acompanying floral induction in the shoot apex of Pharbitis. Amer. J. Bot. 52:622.

Ikeda,K. 1965. Uber den Einfluss der Temperature auf die Blutenbildung von Pharbitis nil Chois., einer Kurztagpflanzen. Bull. Fac. Agr., Mie Univ. 31:1-36.

Imamura,S. 1953a. Photoperiodic initiation of flower primordia in Japanese morning glory, Pharbitis nil Chois. Proc. Jap. Acad. 29:368-373.

Imamura,S. 1953b. Flowering of Japanese morning glory, Pharbitis nil. Rep. Kihara Inst. Biol. Res. No. 6:97-100. (in Japanese).

Imamura,S. 1961. The nature of inhibition of flowering by the leaves illuminated continuously during the inductive dark treatment of other leaves in short-day plants. in: Recent advances in botany. Univ. Toronto Press, pp.1287-1288.

Imamura,S., M.Muramatsu, S.I.Kitajo and A.Takimoto. 1966. Varietal difference in photoperiodic behavior of Pharbitis nil. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 79:714-721.

Imamura,S. and A.Takimoto. 1955a. Photoperiodic responses in Japanese morning glory, Pharbitis Nil Chois., a sensitive short day plant. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 68:235-241.

Imamura,S. and A.Takimoto. 1955b. Transmission rate of photoperiodic stimulus in Pharbitis Nil. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 68:260-266.

Imamura,S. and A.Takimoto. 1956a. Transmission rate of the photoperiodic stimulus across the graft union in Pharbitis Nil Chois. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 69:23-29.

Imamura,S. and A.Takimoto. 1956b. Flowering responses in Pharbitis Nil as influenced by the removal of photoperiodiacally induced leaves. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 69:289-297.

Imamura,S. and A.Takimoto. 1956c. Flowering responses in Pharbitis Nil in relation to the leaf area subjected to inductive photoperiod. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 69:353-358.

Imamura,S. and A.Takimoto. 1957a. Effect of ringing and incision given to the stem on the transmission of photoperiodic stimulus in Pharbitis Nil. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 70:13-16.

Imamura,S. and A.Takimoto. 1957b. Decrement of photoperiodic stimulus in transmission in Pharbitis Nil. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 70:53-57.

Imamura,S., A.Takimoto and M.Okuda. 1953. Effect of dark treatment, given to different parts of a leaf, upon flowering responses in Pharbitis Nil. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 71:254-260.

Ito,I. 1951. Uber die Vererbung des photoperiodischen Verhaltens von Pharbitis nil (vorlaufige Mitteilung). Sci. Rep. Saikyo Univ. Agr. 1:1-6.

Kadman-Zahavi,A. 1963. Effects of light, kinetin and gibberellic acid on flower initiation in Pharbitis nil Chois. Bull. Res. Counc. Israel 11D:191-197.

Kimura,K. 1963. Floral initiation in Pharbitis nil subjected to continuous illumination at relatively low temperatures. II. Effect of some factors in culture medium on floral initiation. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 76:351-358.

Kimura,K. 1964. Floral initiation in Pharbitis nil subjected to continuous illumination at relatively low temperatures. III. Effect of intensity and quality of light. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 77:115-121.

Kimura,K. 1965. Floral initiation of Pharbitis nil at low temperatures. Ber. Ohara Inst. Landwirt. Biol. Okayama Univ. 13: 39-88.

Kimura,K. and A.Takimoto. 1963. Floral initiation in Pharbitis nil subjected to continuous illuminaiton at relatively low temperatures I. Effect of various temperatures. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 76:67-73.

Konishi,M. and A.W.Galston. 1964. Light-induced changes in phenolic inhibitors of indoleacetic acid oxidase in cotyledons of Pharbitis nil. Phytochemistry 3:559-568.

Kujirai,C. and S.Imamura. 1958. Uber die photoperiodische Empfindlichkeit der Kotyledonen von Pharbitis Nil Chois. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 71: 408-416.

Marushige,K. and Y.Marushige. 1962a. An electrophoretic study of tissue extracts from leaf and flower in Pharbitis nil Chois. Plant Cell Physiol. 3:319-322.

Marushige,K. and Y.Marushige. 1962b. Effect of 8-azaguanine, thiouracil and ethionine on floral initiation and vegetative development in seedlings of Pharbitis nil Chois. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 75:270-272.

Marushige,K. and Y.Marushige. 1963a. Photoperiodic sensitivity of Pharbitis nil seedlings of different ages in special reference to growth patterns. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 76:92-99.

Marushige,K. and Y.Marushige. 1963b. Photoperiodic sensitivity with respect to metabolic patterns of cotyledons in Pharbitis nil. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 76:142-148.

Marushige,K. and Y.Marushige. 1963c. Changes in the growth and photoperiodic sensitivity of Pharbitis nil seedlings in relation to low intensity light. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 76:181-190.

Marushige,K. and Y.Marushige. 1966. Effects of light on appearance of photoperiodic sensitivity of etiolated Pharbitis nil seedlings. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 79:397-403.

Marushige,Y. 1965a. Ontogeny of the vegetative and the reproductive apices in Pharbitis nil Chois. I. Development of the vegetative apex. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 78:353-359.

Marushige,Y. 1965b. Ontogeny of the vegetative and the reproductive apices in Pharbitis nil Chois. II. Development of the terminal flower bud. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 78:397-406.

Marushige,Y. 1965c. Ontogeny of the vegetative and the reproductive apices in Pharbitis nil Chois. III. Development of axillary buds. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 78:407-411.

Mathon,C.C. 1963. Reactions au photoperiodisme de quelques Convolvulacees. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 110:261-268.

Mathon,C.C. and M.Stroun. 1962. Mise a fleur en jour continue et changement du type de reaction photoperiodique en fonction de la qualite et du niveau de l'eclairement chez le Pharbitis nil Chois. Compt. rend, seance Soc. Biol. 254:1478-1480.

Mathon,C.C., M.Stroun, F.Grossin, J.Gaillochet and A.Gandrieau. 1962. Variation des types de reactions photoperiodiques. C.R.87e Congres des Sosietes savantes. pp.1081-1090.

Muramatsu,M. and S.Sakamoto. 1956. Morning-glories. in: Land and Crops of Nepal Himalaya. ed. by H.Kihara, Fauna and Flora Res. Soc. Kypto Univ., Kyoto, pp.193-212.

Nakayama,S. 1948. Experiments of flowering (2). Seitaigaku Kenkyu 11:188-192. (in Japanese).

Nakayama,S. 1949. Experiments of flowering (1). Seitaigaku Kenkyu 12:48-52. (in Japanese).

Nakayama,S. 1951. Experiments of flowering (3). Seitaigaku Kenkyu 1:13-17. (in Japanese).

Nakayama,S. 1953. Experimental studies on photoperiodism (2). Analysis of dark reactionn mechansim by high temperature break. Shokubutu Seitaigaku Kaihou 3:95-107. (in Japanese).

Nakayama,S. 1954. Experimental studies on photoperiodism (3). The relationship between partial high temperature treatment and flowering. Shokubutu Seitaigaku Kaihou 3:167-173. (in Japanese).

Nakayama,S. 1955. The effects of certain metabolic inhibitors on the dark reaction during photoperiodic treatment. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 68:61-62.

Nakayama,S. 1958a. Photoreversible control of flowering at the start of inductive dark period in Pharbitis nil. Ecol. Rev. Sendai, Japan 14:325-326.

Nakayama,S. 1958b. Studies on the dark process in the photoperiodic response of Pharbitis seedlngs. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. Ser, IV Biol. 24:137-183.

Nakayama,S. 1961. Effects of certain metabolic inhibitors and metabolites upon the dark process in the photoperiodic response of Pharbitis. Recent Advances in Botany, Toronto Univ. Press, Toronto, p.1242.

Nakayama,S. 1965. Photoreactivation of flowering inhibited with ultraviolet radiation. Bull. Minamikyushu College 1:1-5.

Nakayama,S., H.A.Borthwick and S.B.Hendricks. 1960. Failure of photoreversible control of flowering in Pharbitis nil. Bot. Gaz. 121:237-243.

Nakayama,S., O.Fukamizu and I.Sei. 1957. Experimental researches on photoperiodism (6). Photoperiodic responses of Pharbitis seedlings to the metabolic inhibitors. Mem. Fac. Lib. Arts and Educ. Miyazaki Univ. 1:97-102.

Nakayama,S. and T.Kikuchi. 1956. Experimental researches on photoperiodism (4). The effect of auxin application on flower formation. Miyazaki Univ. Bull. 1:154-165. (in Japanese)

Nakayama,S. and Y.Morishita. 1956. Experimental researches on photoperiodism (5). The effect of chloroform on the dark period reaction. Miyazaki Univ. Bull. 1:166-172. (in Japanese)

Nakayama,S., H.Tobita and F.S.Okumura. 1962. Antagonism of kinetin and far-red light or β-indoleacetic acid in the flowering of Pharbitis seedlings. Phyton 19:43-48.

Ogawa,Y. 1960. Uber die Auslosung der Blutenbildung von Pharbitis nil durch niedere Temperatur. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 73: 334-335.

Ogawa,Y. 1961a. Uber die Wirkung des Gibberellins auf die Blutenbildung von Pharbitis nil Chois. Plant Cell Physiol. 2:311-329.

Ogawa,Y. 1961b. Uber die Wirkung von Kinetin auf die Blutenbildung von Pharbitis nil Chois. Plant Cell Physiol. 2:343-359.

Ogawa,Y. 1962a. Weitere Untersuchungen uber die Wirkung von gibberellin-ahnlichen Substanzen auf die Blutenbildung von Pharbitis nil. Plant Cell Physiol. 3:5-21.

Ogawa,Y. 1962b. Uber die photoperiodische Empfindlichkeit der Keimpflanzen von Pharbitis nil Chois. mit besonderer Berucksichtigung auf den Wuchsstoffgehalt der Kotyledonen. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 75:92-101.

Ogawa,Y. 1964. Changes in the amount of gibberellin-like subsatances in the seedling of Pharbitis nil with special reference to expansion of cotyledon. Plant Cell Physiol. 5:11-20.

Ogawa,Y. 1965. Changes in the content of gibberellin-like substances of seeds and seedlings in the tall and dwarf varieties of Pharbitis nil Chois. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 78:474-480.

Ogawa,Y. and S.Imamura. 1958a. Uber die fordernde Wirkung von Gibberellin auf die Bluttenbildung einer Kurztagpflanze, Pharbitis nil Chois. Proc. Japan. Acad. 34:629-630.

Ogawa,Y. and S.Imamura. 1958b. Uber die fordernde Wirkung von Samendiffusat auf die Bluttenbildung von Pharbitis nil Chois. Proc. Japan. Acad. 34:631-632.

Ogawa,Y. and S.Imamura. 1960. Uber die Wirkung der Pflanzendiffusate auf die Streckung des Sprosses und die Blutenbildung von Pharbitis nil Chois. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 73: 125-132.

Okuda,M. 1959. Responses of Pharbitis Nil Chois. to gibberellin with special reference to anatomical features. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 72:443-449.

Sakamoto,S. 1956. Genetics of the photoperiodic behavior of Japanese morning glory, Pharbitis nil Chois., a short-day plant. Ann. Rep. Natl. Inst. Genetics 6:68-69.

Takeba,G. and A.Takimoto. 1966. Translocation of the floral stimulus in Pharbitis nil. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 79:811-814.

Takimoto,A. 1960. Effect of sucrose on flower initiation of Pharbitis nil in aseptic culture. Plant Cell Physiol. 1: 241-246.

Takimoto,A. 1961. On the light controlling flower initiation of Pharbitis nil. Plant Cell Physiol. 2:71-75.

Takimoto,A. 1966. Timing mechanism determining the critical dark period in Pharbitis nil. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 79:474-475.

Takimoto,A. and K.C.Hamner. 1964. Effect of temperature and precondtioning on photoperiodic response of Pharbitis nil. Plant Physiol. 39: 1024-1030.

Takimoto,A. and K.C.Hamner. 1965a. Studies on red light interruption in relation to timing mechanism involved in the photoperiodic response of Pharbitis nil. Plant Physiol. 40: 852-854.

Takimoto,A. and K.C.Hamner. 1965b. Effect of double red interruption on the photoperiodic response of Pharbitis nil. Plant Physiol. 40: 855-858.

Takimoto,A. and K.C.Hamner. 1965c. Effect of far-red light and its interaction with red light in the photoperiodic response of Pharbitis nil. Plant Physiol. 40: 859-864.

Takimoto,A. and K.C.Hamner. 1965d. Kinetic studies on pigment systems concerned with the photoperiodic reponse in Pharbitis nil. Plant Physiol. 40: 865-872.

Takimoto,A. and K.Ikeda. 1959a. Studies on the light controlling flower initiation of Pharbitis nil. I. Intensity and quality of the light preceding the inductive dark period. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 72:137-145.

Takimoto,A. and K.Ikeda. 1959b. Studies on the light controlling flower initiation of Pharbitis nil. II. Effect of far-red light preceding the inductive dark period. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 72:181-189.

Takimoto,A. and K.Ikeda. 1959c. Studies on the light controlling flower initiation of Pharbitis nil. III. Light-sensitivity of the first process of inductive dark period. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 72:388-396.

Takimoto,A. and K.Ikeda. 1960a. Studies on the light controlling flower initiation of Pharbitis nil. IV. Further studies on the light preceding the inductive dark period. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 73:37-43.

Takimoto,A. and K.Ikeda. 1960b. Studies on the light controlling flower initiation of Pharbitis nil. V. On the light following the inductive dark period. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 73:91-97.

Takimoto,A. and K.Ikeda. 1960c. Studies on the light controlling flower initiation of Pharbitis nil. VI. Effect of natural twilight. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 73:175-181.

Takimoto,A. and K.Ikeda. 1960d. Studies on the light controlling flower initiation of Pharbitis nil. VII. Light-break. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 73:341-347.

Takimoto,A. and K.Ikeda. 1960e. Studies on the light controlling flower initiation of Pharbitis nil. VIII. Light-srnsitivity of the inductive dark process. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 73:468-473.

Takimoto,A., K.Ikeda and S.Imamura. 1958. Uber den lichtunempfindlichen Teilprozess in der bluhinduzierenden Dunkelperiode bei Pharbitis Nil (Vorlaufige Mitteilung). Bot. Mag. Tokyo 71:317-318.

Takimoto,A. and Y.Naito. 1962a. Studies on the light controlling flower initiation of Pharbitis nil. IX. Further studies on the effect of far-red preceding the inductive dark period. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 75:205-211.

Takimoto,A. and Y.Naito. 1962b. Studies on the light controlling flower initiation of Pharbitis nil. X. Photoperiodic responses of the seedlings grown under various light conditions. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 75:255-263.

Takimoto,A., Y.Tashima and S.Imamura. 1960. Effect of temperature on flower initiation of Pharbitis nil cultured in vitro. Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 73: 377.

Tashima,Y, and S.Imamura. 1953. Flower initiation in total darkness in Pharbitis nil Chois., a short day plant. Proc. Japan. Acad. 29: 581-585.

Wada,K. 1962. Inhibition of flower initiation of Pharbitis nil by gamma-irradiation (Preliminary report). Bot. Mag. Tokyo 75:483-484.

Wada,K. 1966. Studies on the initiation and development of flower primordia of Pharbitis nil, with special reference to the time of arrival of flowering stimulus at plumule. Rep. Fac. Sci. Shizuoka Univ. 1:83-89.

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Zeevaart,J.A.D. 1966b. Inhibition of stem growth and flower formation in Pharbitis nil with N,N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (B995). Planta 71:68-80.


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Arzee,T., A.Zilberstein and J.Gressel. 1975. Immediate intraplumular distribution of macromolecular syntheses following floral induction in Pharbitis nil. Plant Cell Physiol. 16: 505-511.

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Choshi,A. 1971. Flowering responses of Pharbitis nil plumules excised after a single dark period. Rep. Fac. Sci. Shizuoka Univ. 6: 87-94.

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Gressel,J., A.Zilberstein and T.Arzee. 1970. Bursts of incorporation into RNA and ribonuclease activities associated with induction of morphogenesis in Pharbitis. Develop. Biol. 22: 31-42.

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Groenewald,E.G. and J.H.Visser. 1978. The effect of arachidonic acid, prostaglandins and inhibitors of prostaglandin synthetase, on the flowering of excised Pharbitis nil shoot apices under different photoperiods. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 88:423-429.

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Hicklenton,P.R. and P.A.Jolliffe. 1980. Carbon dioxide and flowering in Pharbitis nil Choisy. Plant Physiol. 66: 13-17.

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Imamura,S. and Y.Marushige. 1967. The morphology and development of floral primordia. in: ed. S.Imamura, Physiology of Flowering in Pharbitis nil. Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Kyoto.

Kadman-Zahavi,A. 1970. The effects of amitrole on flower induction and on vegetative development in Pharbitis nil. Isr. J. Bot. 19: 558-560.

Kaihara,S. and A.Takimoto. 1979. Environmental factors controlling the time of flower-opening in Pharbitis nil. Plant Cell Physiol. 20:1659-1666.

Kaihara,S. and A.Takimoto. 1980. Studies on the light controlling the time of flower-opening in Pharbitis nil. Plant Cell Physiol. 21: 21-26.

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King,R.W., L.T.Evans and I.F.Wardlaw. 1968. Translocation of the floral stimulus in Pharbitis nil in relation to that of assimilates. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 59: 377-388.

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King,R.W., D.Vince-Prue and P.H.Quail. 1978. Light requirement, phytochrome and photoperiodic induction of flowering of Pharbitis nil Choisy III. A comparison of spectrophotometric and physiological assay of phytochrome transformation during induction. Planta 141:15-22.

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