ICNS 2024


Registration Fee

  • No charges for all attendees and accompanying persons

ICNS2024 is financially supported by the Japan Tourism Agency and the International Conference Hosting Subsidy from Niigata Prefecture and Niigata City. All participants are requested to complete the survey after the meeting, as completing the survey is a condition of receiving financial assistance.

Welcome party and Banquet Fees

  • No charges for attendees from abroad and from outside Niigata Prefecture
  • Charges for all accompanying persons
    → Welcome Party at 9/26: 5,000 yen/person and Banquet at 9/27: 10,000 yen/person
  • No charges for student attendees from Niigata Prefecture who give oral or poster presentation
  • Charges for student attendees from Niigata Prefecture who do not give any presentation
    → Welcome Party at 9/26: 5,000 yen/person and Banquet at 9/27: 10,000 yen/person
  • Charges for academic staff from Niigata Prefecture
    → Welcome Party at 9/26: 5,000 yen/person and Banquet at 9/27: 10,000 yen/person

The banquet is designated as a subsidized project by the Japan Tourism Agency and receives financial assistance. The event will be video recorded which will be used on the website at a later date to promote the project. Participation in the banquet is deemed consent to video recording and its release.

Fee of Niigata city tour for students on the afternoon of 28th

  • Participation fee is 2,000 yen (participation is optional).