ICNS 2024


  • Create a new registration (closed)
  • Confirmation or change of your registration, and entry of presentation, abstract, accommodation and additional information (closed)


  1. We accept participation basically from universities that have sisterhood relationship with Niigata University. For those from other universities, please contact us individually.
  2. For both oral and poster presentations, a one-page abstract must be submitted by August 31st, and the decision to accept the presentation will be at the discretion of the organizing committee. Click here for abstract submission and format.
  3. The congress is financially supported by Niigata Prefecture and Niigata municipal. Attendees from abroad and from outside Niigata prefecture are required to stay in Niigata throughout the 3 days, and to cooperate with the post-conference survey.
  4. Welcome Party and Banquet fees are financially supported by the ICNS 2024 Committee and JTA(Japan Tourism Agency, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) Program. Attendance at the above Receptions is strongly recommended. Regarding fees, please check here.
  5. Halal meals cannot be provided except for the banquet on 27th.
  6. Click here for hotel information.