Physiology of Pharbitis nil
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Physiology of flowering in Pharbitis nil
  by Kiyotoshi Wada, Niigata University (2003)

Introduction to Flowering Physiology

1. What is flowering physiology?
1-1. What is flowering?1-2. "Flowering" and "formation of flower bud"
1-3. Definition of the term "flowering"
2. Photoperiodic flowering
2-1. Critical dark length2-2. Night break2-3. Time measurement2-4. The sites of photoperiodic perception
2-5. Florigen
  2-5-1. Grafting experiments suggesting the presence of florigen/2-5-2. Florigen may not be universal/2-5-3. Effect of florigen on stem elongation and flower formation/2-5-4. How long is florigen active?/2-5-5. Positive feed-back of florigen synthesis by florigen itself
3. Quest for florigen
3-1. Flower-inducing activity of salicylic acid3-2. Flower-inducing activity of phloem sap
3-3. Flower-inducing activity of water extracts of Lemna fronds
3-4. Florigenic activity of plant hormones
  3-4-1. Gibberellins/3-4-2. Abscisic acid/3-4-3. Ethylene/3-4-4. Some chemicals other than plant hormones
3-5. Problems in bioassay3-6. Quest for florigen by physiochemical analyses3-7. Quest for florigen by techniques in molecular biology and molecular genetics
4. Alternatives to the florigen concept
4-1. Multiple factors 4-2. An inhibitor of flowering4-3. An electric signal
5. Molecular genetics of flowering
5-1. Mutants relating to change of vegetative meristem to flower meristem5-2. Flowering-time mutants
6. Vernalization
6-1. Vernalization and gibberellins6-2. Molecular genetics of vernalization
6-3. Vernalization and DNA demethylation
7. Stress-induced flowering

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